So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
We can replace “eat, drink, or wear” with any number of earthly pursuits. For me, my strongest pursuit (after pursuing my wife) was my career. And I operated from a worldview where I thought God labeled this my “highest and best” use.
This all came to a head in 2008. I had been offered a dream job in risk management, and almost guaranteed it by the hiring manager. Then, out of nowhere, an applicant applied at the last minute who was almost over-qualified and , as it would involve international business, he knew eight languages. Suddenly the job was gone; we were in shock. I was out of work for nine months, and finally started my own Allstate agency. Targeting home mortgage lenders for homeowners insurance referrals, I worked harder than I ever had. But the economy took a nose-dive, and my business became very difficult to run. In the middle of this start-up business, I got a phone call from a family member. Their son was in trouble with the law and they wanted me to pray, as they were going to send him to a youth ranch. My wife, Cherish, and I did pray. And God replied. He said he wanted us to take this young man into our home and help him. We had a couple of young kids (pre-kindergarten), and this young man was fairly wild in his ways. We were warned not to help as it could have consequences. But we obeyed God’s call on our hearts.
It turned out he was a pleasure to have stay with us and he made a lot of progress. I also found out my wife was incredible at melting hard hearts (well I knew this, as she melted mine once upon a time). She became a close confidante to him. Later, my business almost failed due to the economy and we had to close it with $147,000 in debt. I found a new job and my wife had to go back to work, and this young man was on his way back home. Over the next seven years we paid off this debt. I was confused: I had been serving on the prayer team, giving sacrificially to the church, and working hard. How could God allow me to experience such a big business failure when I was serving him?
Later, I realized a very important life lesson: God cares more about my HEART CONDITION than my business success. He saw me as a SUCCESS for what I was doing in HIS POWER, more than what I did successfully in this world.
I would trade all the debt I went into and the hours I spent again, to be able to help another young man have the opportunity to see Jesus and change. It was the far bigger reward and success.
This passage says to SEEK FIRST HIS KINGDOM and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. How do we practically do this? I am still learning, but I do know that there are always choices in life. And we must choose spiritual success over earthly success to be fully fulfilled in life and in Christ Jesus. And then, all these things will be added to you. “These things”, the things you deeply desire, change as your heart changes too. I deeply desired a successful business career. And I have been given that, though not as earthly successful as some others. But God changed my heart to desire more his kingdom and his righteousness. And now I see the “all of these things” in a different light. The things I am passionate about achieving and attaining are more and more God’s Kingdom-driven success markers.
Have you gotten caught up in the earthly success racket too? I know it caused me endless levels of stress and worry. Ask God to change you heart and he will. And you will never go back to the same way of thinking again.
Lord, thank you for changing my heart all the time, and in a big way earlier in my life to focus on your Kingdom. I am so grateful for this earthly failure that you allowed to happen, so I could reprioritize true success in life to be focused on your Kingdom. Keep me humble and driven to seek you out where you may be found!