June 1, 2022

The Word — The Gravity of it All - John‬ ‭1:1-3‬

Daily Devotionals

The Word — The Gravity of it All - John‬ ‭1:1-3‬

Joe Anderson
June 1, 2022

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

When I think of words and the many forms they take, these come to mind: terms of endearment, commands and words of caution, songs of joy and songs of trial, poetry, books, encouraging sayings or phrases. Words have so much they bring to our lives. In Jesus’ time, Greeks used the word “logos” for “word”, which had little different meaning than our English “word” does today. It not only encompassed the spoken word but also the unspoken word in the mind — the reason. When they applied it to the universe the word “logos” meant: the rational principle that governs all things. In contrast, the Jews used it to refer to the “word of God” by which he created the world and governs it. The Word of God was connected to the law of God and this law was the way for them to receive their eternal inheritance. They even believe the God’s Word rested on his chest before he created the world. We see here John’s deliberate mirroring of Genesis 1, when he said, “In the beginning”. Jesus is identified as “The Word” later in John 1, as we shall see. So John is basically intertwining all of the related things surrounding God and his Word. If I understand the context under which “logos” (means word) was used, John was saying: Jesus is all of God’s sayings, thoughts, and reason in one person. He is the personification of God’s law. God’s law and he are one. He was with God at creation and he was God at creation. He partnered with God to create us. All of God’s creations were made through him.

So I learn here that the Jesus, who was born a man, was ancient and full of truth and power. He created and sustained life. He was God’s reason and mind on this earth. This is so mind-boggling to me. I really stand in awe here … wondering HOW COULD THIS BE? How could this powerful, ancient creator come to earth as a poor baby and love such a sinner as me? How could Jesus stoop to such a low level to rescue me? He truly was the Servant King and the Merciful Creator. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for being The Word of God; not just philosophical ideas but a word of POWERFUL ACTION, that took risks to love and sacrifice for his loved ones. May I follow in your Servant Leadership ways.

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