November 7, 2023

A Ball and Chain Severing Savior‭‭ - Romans‬ ‭6‬:‭8‬-‭11‬

Daily Devotionals

A Ball and Chain Severing Savior‭‭ - Romans‬ ‭6‬:‭8‬-‭11‬

Joe Anderson
November 7, 2023

Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.

If we do not understand the total hopelessness we have in a life controlled and governed by sin, then we will not fully understand the massive extent of grace given to us by our Savior Jesus Christ and our utter need for it.

I have been reading the classic novel by Victor Hugo, The Count of Monte Cristo, again. It is probably my favorite novel of all time, so rich is the character development and so lively are the passions and plights in the story. The main character, Edmond Dantes, is imprisoned falsely and he trades places with a dead priest who is about to be buried. The burial is by sea. They tie a ball and chain to his gunny sack and throw him over the cliff into the ocean. The reason for the ball and chain is to KEEP THE DEAD MAN DOWN. It turns out the man was alive and had a knife. Edmond cut loose his bound legs, cut himself out of the gunny sack, and swam to his freedom.

The brutal reality with sin is, it is like we have a ball and chain tied around us. Spiritual death is always looming over us. And there is no escaping it. Many wealthy people are trying to invent ways to not die. Robotic body parts are developed. Organ transplants are used, some legally and some illegally. Why the delay of the inevitable? Because physical death leads to eternal death and separation from God, in all situations but one. The one situation — in which some have chosen to repent of their sins and accept the payment for those sins, Jesus’ death — leads to eternal life after physical death.

In this case, when we accept the payment for our sins, like Edmond Dantes, we are given the means to escape sin’s grip on us. The ball and chain are severed even before we are thrown out into our ocean of sins to die a deep death. We are instead destined for eternity with God as his children.

Sadly, many will not be honest about the depth of the work sin does on their hearts. They will stand up proud and not admit that sin controls them, or they may dismiss it as not a big deal. And so sin is master over them still. The Ball and Chain will still keep the DEAD MAN DOWN!

But to those who receive Jesus’ gift of salvation, it is like the sin they committed died with him on the cross. It is left there, its consequence done and paid for.

And then the resurrected life he lives WE LIVE WITH HIM! We are reborn into spiritual vitality and a life free of sin’s mastery over us! And so we are called to live for Jesus Christ, dwell with him, and learn from him how to be good from the inside out.

Are you spiritually alive and boldly active in your faith today? If yes, great! Keep growing in your witness of God’s goodness. If not, maybe it is because you have not admitted the depth of depravity sin has created in your heart and fully repented of your sin. There is still time to fall on your knees before Jesus, repent, and receive his grace. Do not wait another day. You never know, it could be your last.

Lord, thank you that you have conquered sin and death. My prayer, as a broken man you offered your grace to, is this: that many more will live lives wholly committed to you and become full recipients of your amazing grace. You do not require us to look or be perfect, but just to humbly repent and call on the Savior who is! Praise you for your great gift of Salvation!

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