For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God [God the One and Only] and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.
Laws are important in life. They establish the guidelines for acceptable behavior. They also establish the consequences for unacceptable behavior. Without them we would live in evil chaos. I recently visit a resort town in Mexico. As we drove around, the taxi drivers would make jokes about the police officers. About how they were corrupt and greedy. And the advice I got from multiple sources was: that if you are driving down there, and you are pulled over, don’t pay them. Crazy, huh? Apparently, sometimes they will pull you over for some false reasons, and then demand a high payment to let you go (a bribe). If you tell them you will not pay they will keep dropping the amount you owe them until finally they will let you go. We decided to take hired vehicles the whole time because of this risk. So we know that laws must exist and are important. In the US, most police are still respected in their communities and enforce the law to the best of their ability. Lately, there have been challenges to law enforcement to try and undermine their position and integrity as a group of public servants. This is a direct attack on the rule of law, I believe. And ultimately what will result is a “cartel-like” system where oppression and fear rule instead on JUSTICE and MERCY.
So what Moses brought was very important to the Jews and it is very important to us today — the law of God. However, what Jesus brought was astronomically more important. He was God. As a part of the Trinity, He is at once a distinct personality and God. He was God made flesh to dwell among us and make God known to us. Not just by a book of laws, but by seeing how he acted and cared and called out injustice and spoke truth. He was not defined by what he was for and against any longer. Now, we could SEE WHO HE WAS. Jesus was full of God’s Spirit while on earth and he lived a perfect life. This reflection of God —though he gave up some of his heavenly glory, power, and will to become human — was and is such an incredible blessing. So what he brought to us in two words was Grace and Truth. If I were to focus on Grace and Truth today, how would this impact my actions? Or my speech? Or my thoughts and judgments? Or my priorities and motives? Would I care so much about “being wronged”? No, I would focus more on speaking truth and administering grace. Lord, help me be a fountain of grace and may my actions and words be an honest reflection of your work in my life. I don’t need credit, because I am a sinner saved by grace. So I can be humble and non-judgmental, while still calling out the truth in love and grace. May your Holy Spirit empower me!