We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands. Whoever says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.
In our country, we are governed by a democratic republic. Like a democracy we are supposed to have free and fair elections. However, the republic side of it focuses on representation to the government. This is split between the Senate that has an equal number for each state and the House that has representatives assigned by population. This has worked well, because smaller rural states have more land in general, but less people. Their needs are important too. Think what would happen if city folks made all the rules? Our farms would be eventually decimated, and the food and resource supplies would be cut short. People back candidates they believe in, though they don’t usually know them personally. They try to get them to state their beliefs and agenda and vote the best they can. So people might say they know a candidate, but what they mean is they know about them and their beliefs.
Many people say they know God. What they really mean is that they know about God. They may know about some of the stories in the Bible, they may volunteer for lots of good projects, but they don’t personally know him. So the question hangs out there: “How do I really get to know God personally; to understand his heart, to know his will, and to have him trust and use me to accomplish his plans?”
It is a question I have wrestled with too. The Bible tells us we will know God if we obey his commands. It sounds simple, right? However, God commands us to live like Jesus did. We are to follow his life of obedience and self-sacrifice. We are to love from the heart, love deeply, and even love those who hurt or persecute us. Quite a calling!
However, if we decide to go for it with God, he will show us his face, what is on his heart, and use us for his glory. Nothing is more rewarding and fulfilling than being trusted, filled, and used by God!
Having God’s love in our hearts and keeping it there is a lifelong discipline. It requires complete humility, an understanding of his amazing grace, and a commitment to forgive and be forgiven, among other things. When we commit to obeying God, he honors our commitment by showing us more and more of his heart. Then, and only then, can we say we know him with confidence.
Little children know their parents. But they don’t have the insight to always know how they would act or behave. Adult children who honor their parents can have this. It is the same with God. To know him personally at a deep level we must obey his commands.
Thank you, Lord, for making the path so easy to understand. I commit to seeking after you, to letting you change my heart and behaviors to be like Jesus’ heart and behaviors. I commit to becoming your disciple.