December 25, 2023

Time To Say Yes To God

Daily Devotionals

Time To Say Yes To God

"Ski" Warren Milanowski
December 25, 2023
I’ve heard and read the Christmas Story countless times. This year, the responses of the key players in the story; Mary, Joseph, the shepherds; speak loudly to me.
Mary, after being told by the angel Gabriel she would be the mother of Jesus, asked; “How will this be?” (Luke 1:34) When the angel Gabriel explained, Mary answered; “May your word to me be fulfilled.” (Luke 1:38)
After Joseph had the dream in which the same angel told him not to be afraid to marry Mary (for he had intended to divorce her quietly), he obeyed.
Both Mary and Joseph no doubt were aware of how they would be treated by others due to Mary’s pregnancy; Nevertheless, they obeyed.
How about the shepherds? They, after they were told of Jesus birth by angels, went to see for themselves, and then…… “when they saw it, they made known the saying that had been told them concerning this child.” (Luke 2:17) They told others about Jesus.
The flight to Egypt: Again Joseph, in a dream was warned that King Herod would be killing all children two years old and under, was told to flee with Mary and Jesus to Egypt. Joseph again obeyed although this would be an arduous journey and they would be leaving everything and everyone familiar.
In all these events, Mary, Joseph and the shepherds answered YES to God’s instructions through the angels. If you, haven’t yet answered YES to God’s call to invite Jesus into your life as Savior and Lord, (or if you have, but haven’t told someone) this Christmas would be a perfect time to do so.

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