May 21, 2024

Powerful Words‭‭ - Proverbs‬ ‭25‬:‭11‬-‭15‬ AMP

Daily Devotionals

Powerful Words‭‭ - Proverbs‬ ‭25‬:‭11‬-‭15‬ AMP

Joe Anderson
May 21, 2024

Like apples of gold in settings of silver Is a word spoken at the right time. [Prov 15:23; Is 50:4]
Like an earring of gold and an ornament of fine gold Is a wise reprover to an ear that listens and learns.
Like the cold of snow [brought from the mountains] in the time of harvest, so is a faithful messenger to those who send him; for he refreshes the life of his masters.
Like clouds and wind without rain is a man who boasts falsely of gifts [he does not give]. [Jude 12]
By patience and a calm spirit a ruler may be persuaded, and a soft and gentle tongue breaks the bone [of resistance]. [Gen 32:4; 1 Sam 25:24; Prov 15:1; 16:14]

I chose to show this verse in the Amplified version, as it brings in more descriptors and also highlights cross references for us.

My wife and I have been in a place of receiving more these days, as I look for my next position after being let go. What has been incredible has been God’s faithfulness to provide for our needs (and even some wants) as we navigate without an income. We have reached $1,800 towards our $5,000 fundraising goal for the TruthBursts website, so praise God for that. Please consider helping us reach this goal as you are able!

One of the things I have noticed is that people tend to have words that either encourage or instruct us during this time. Sometimes the encouragement and instruction come together. So I am reminded by these verses in Proverbs to pay attention to my words.

First, a word “aptly spoken” is rich and beautiful and a welcome treasure! This is compared to apples of gold in a silver setting. As I am going through a minor challenge compared to many others, I need to refocus my mind to think about how my words can encourage and bless others I am around. I also need to consider my words and speak with wisdom to have the words benefit the needs and situation I am speaking to or about.

Second, rebukes from the wise are also treasures that are beautiful and valuable. I need to take rebukes with the courage to truly hear them and incorporate any wisdom they possess into my spiritual life — my thoughts, attitudes, and actions.

Third, I have had a couple of handfuls of friends who have been such a blessing and so supportive during this time. They are TRUSTWORTHY. They refresh my spirit and my soul in a time of challenge. They fuel me to continue to trust God and obey his call on my life, no matter the circumstances.

Fourth, there are “false flags” in life. And there are people who make “empty promises”.  Just like rain clouds that seem to promise the much needed rain for crops, so too people can disappoint us with empty promises. But God never does. He is faithful and will bring about the circumstances and people who can bless us in our time of need. Also, I need to make sure I am never seen as an “empty promiser”!

Fifth, patience and a gentle tongue win the day with earthly rulers and those in power. I need to wait on the Lord, give deference to those who rule, and have patience to wait on God to move their hearts, as needed.

Lord, thank you for allowing me to see more clearly the impact of words in this time of challenge. You are faithful to teach us through every circumstance, if we seek you wholeheartedly and hunger and thirst for your Word. Fill me with apt words to love others and a patience that waits on your leadership to act and obey.

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