The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.”
There are different ways the Lord has worked in my life. Sometimes it is through his Word, the Bible, other times it is through an impression in prayer, and also, at times, through his people coming alongside me.
But there have not been any times I can remember him standing beside me. I have cried out to him in a broken relationship and he sent a shooting star, which was amazing. But this experience of having God stand by Paul is very uncommon.
So why did it happen? I think we can point to some things in God’s character here: 1) God said he will never leave us or forsake us (Duet. 31:8). He is for us and he will strengthen and uphold us (Isaiah 41:10). Paul had been through trial after trial in his travels to share the gospel among the Gentiles. But the process of trying to share it among Jews, his own people, who were his contemporaries in Judaism, I can imagine would be particularly hard. Harder still, when they refuse to listen and instead chant to have him killed and brutally beat him. I think God was making a clear and direct statement to Paul by his strong presence being near him.
2) The words he spoke to Paul are telling. He tells him to “TAKE COURAGE!” The implication here is he was a bit discouraged, maybe dealing with major discouragement.
I have been, for a time, discouraged about some lesser challenges in my life. Discouragement can be sneaky, if you tend to downplay it. I will sometimes just push on and pretend it is not there. This approach leads to a sinful response. Why? Because we are denying we need help and not reaching out to God and others for encouragement and prayer.
I have learned that I must recognize my daily need for help and reach out to ask God and his people to help me. Then I can sustain my courage and continue to stand in spiritual battle once I am physically worn out.
What discouragement might you be dealing with? Are you trying to “tough it out” and not ask for help? Maybe God has planned for someone to bless you, and he is just waiting for you to open up and recognize your need for encouragement?
Lord, thank you for your Word, which enriches and nourishes me every day. Keep me humble enough to recognize when I am discouraged and to run to you and your servants for help.