November 29, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving! - Philippians‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬-‭11‬

Daily Devotionals

Happy Thanksgiving! - Philippians‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬-‭11‬

Joe Anderson
November 29, 2024

(I wrote this on Thanksgiving)‭‭

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart and, whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God’s grace with me. God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus. And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.

As I think about Thanksgiving this year, these are the verses that come to mind.

I am so thankful for all of you who share in the gospel with me. We all have different roles in spreading the gospel, and I hope that these daily encouragements spur you on and lift you up as you love in life.

Paul talks about a partnership here. At no time in my life, with some minor trials this year on multiple fronts, have I ever felt this more. So many of you and others have partnered with me and my family this year. You have locked arms with us, prayed for us, and loved on us well! Having ministry partners is important and a real blessing!

Paul talks about God carrying on his good work until completion. Amid all of the great things God has done in and through me, there have been some lows and sin falls for me this past year. My wife, Cherish, and I were marveling the other night at how God is never finished with us. He continues to develop our character and make us more like Christ Jesus. He never stops.

And finally, Paul prays for his followers to have an ABOUNDING LOVE! A love that grows in spiritual knowledge and insight, that seeks not just the good, but to discern God’s Best, and that which is pure and blameless and filled with the fruits of righteousness.

The fruits of righteousness come from God and are bestowed upon his faithful. May you be rich in these, my friends, as you faithfully serve God with a joyful heart in Thanksgiving for all he has done!

Praise you, Father! You are so wonderful, your love unfathomable! Thank you for rescuing me and saving me. For calling me into your family and giving me your Spirit! I am so thankful for all that I have become in Jesus Christ!

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