February 3, 2025

In Celebration of Eva and Children Everywhere - Mark 9:42

Daily Devotionals

In Celebration of Eva and Children Everywhere - Mark 9:42

Joe Anderson
February 3, 2025

[Jesus speaking]
If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.

--Parallel verses:
Matthew 18:10
[Jesus speaking]
See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.

God is a mysterious God. Today is the memorial service for an 11-year old girl named Eva. She was diagnosed with a tumor on her brain stem 300 or so days ago. And so many wonder why she was called home to heaven early.

Yet God had her parents raise her to know Jesus. To have a relationship with him and to trust in him wholeheartedly. She was involved in her church and her friend’s lives. And so when this tragedy hit, amid the obvious struggle and pain, I am told she shone to all around her as she interacted with friends at school, doctors and nurses, etc. She shone the light of her faith in Jesus through her words, her attitude, and her faith.

Eva and her family shared her faith, but more importantly, when hardship showed up on this family’s doorstep — THEY LIVED IT! Not perfectly, I’m sure, because they are human as we all are. But they lived it “loud and proud” and with a humble and real heart, anchored to Jesus Christ.

“We have this HOPE as an ANCHOR for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.” (Hebrews 6:19-20)

These passages on little children are some of my favorites, as they show the INCREDIBLY HIGH VALUE God places on children. They are to be invested in! They are to be nourished, encouraged, disciplined, and raised to love and follow Jesus. God highly values Eva, and all the children on this earth. He has a specific angel assigned to each one and they report to him on how they are doing each day! WOW! Mind-boggling that is …the sheer enormity of intention he places on each child.

And so, we know, we trust, and we hope that he always has their best in store. He plans for their best even though they live in a broken, fallen, and evil-governed world.

So how can bad or evil things be allowed to happen to them? If you are wrestling with this, I don’t totally understand this either. But I do know from knowing God and his word that he loves them and has a heart with deep intention to protect and provide for them in this fallen world. He also has a plan for their lives, and for all our lives, that is holy and sovereign. And if we are honest and open our eyes to his work — amidst severe hardship and tragedy — we can see in the days and months before, during, and after hardship, that his love, his hand, and his Spirit is alive through it all.

This passage also comes with a warning to those who would harm a child — their eternity, and likely life on earth — will be cursed. They would be better off to experience a horrible death by drowning. This is a harsh warning to the child predators out there: Beware, God is watching, and he knows how they treat his children. And they will experience his wrath and vengeance.

And so, this passage is incredibly motivating to me. If God loves, values, and invests in children to such a highly astronomical degree — so should I. I should continue to strive to order my days to build into their hearts the ways of Jesus. This means I encourage, challenge, love, correct, serve, provide for them and lead them by example. We want our children to shine their lights brightly like Eva. And that bright light is found in Jesus Christ.

Lord Jesus, thank you for timing this devotional for such a special day, Eva’s heavenly ascension celebration day! May it continue to motivate me to love my children and serve all children at large with your heart and in your Spirit!

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