December 13, 2022

Praise, Praise, Praise … And Praise Again - Hebrews‬ ‭13:15-16‬

Daily Devotionals

Praise, Praise, Praise … And Praise Again - Hebrews‬ ‭13:15-16‬

Joe Anderson
December 13, 2022

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

Continually Offer.  This is an interesting concept as it pertains to praise.  In my developing heart, this seems many times to be impossible.  This is, in large part, due to my praise mainly being offered when I am happy, when things are going well, and when life is easy.  I admit it; I let circumstances dictate, at times, my response to God.  But this passage encourages us to praise God CONTINUALLY.  So this must mean I should praise God not only when I am happy, when things are going well, and when life is easy.  I should also praise him when I am sad, frustrated, angry, or disappointed.  I should praise him when things are not going well, when I feel back-stabbed or my best efforts are not recognized or appreciated.  I should praise him when life is hard, when illness or disease are present, when people die or my dreams fail.
If I am going to claim God, to really say I am his follower, then my lips need to be full of his praise.  And out of this praise comes a thankful heart, which loves and helps others.

Lord, I praise you today, though challenges seem to mount.  I thank you for being a faithful God and loving me though I am imperfect and fearful at times. You are the life and light in my life.  I proclaim it.  This light and life cannot be extinguished with tough days.  Praise you!

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