February 13, 2023

My Overriding Passion - Romans‬ ‭12:11‬

Daily Devotionals

My Overriding Passion - Romans‬ ‭12:11‬

Joe Anderson
February 13, 2023

Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.

Honeybees are a very interesting insect. They pollenate the flowers around them and produce honey. Now they work hard and have a mission, but one thing overrides their daily honey-making and pollinating — even at the risk of their own life — the protection of the queen bee and the eggs. They will fight ‘til the death, because when they sting you, they actually die. One could say they were diligent workers daily, but they had zeal in protection of their Queen and her eggs.

In similar fashion, we are called to raise our kids well, work hard, provide for and protect our families, enjoy this beautiful world God has created, and invest in others. But the overriding focal point in our lives, as Christ-followers, should be to love God and love people. To love God we must have a deep relationship with him and know his heart. We do this by dwelling with him in prayer, by meditating on His Word, and then obeying what he says. And our number one calling in loving people is: to spread the gospel and to make disciples (the Great Commission). This we must do with a ZEAL that supersedes all of our other responsibilities. We must work at it with all of our effort, persevering through whatever resistance may come, even unto death. Fervor is a deep felt passion and value for something. This is what motivates zeal. We must be passionate about a deep relationship with Jesus Christ; and that will translate into zeal to save the lost, and a motivation to bring them up in God’s Word, prayer, teaching, serving, fellowship, eating together, etc.

Lord, teach me to increase the fervor I may have for you and your kingdom work! May I PROCLAIM WITH ZEAL the wonders of your grace and mercy. May I love with abandon those around me. And in all I do, with my whole body, and all of my mind, soul, spirit, and strength, may I point others to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior!

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