Be joyful in hope,
patient in affliction,
faithful in prayer.
When we look at a vegetable plant, take for instance a tomato plant, there are typically three phases of growth. Phase one is underground. The seed, once planted, germinates and starts to sprout. This growth is unseen, though a gardener must trust it is happening. This is like prayer. We are called to pray. What is actually happening when we pray is a bit mysterious. But we must trust that this process of communicating with God will do the work on the inside of us to sprout new spiritual growth. The second phase is the plant growth above ground. The vine grows branches and the branches grow offshoots. This growth happens with water and sunlight. With just water, there is no growth. Same with just sunlight. The sun is hot, and it will shrivel the plant without water.
This is akin to being patient in affliction. Patient does not mean inactive. It means we are continuing to do the right activities that lead eventually to the right results. Even when life is extremely difficult, we continue to read our Bibles, pray, receive community with our brothers and sisters, and seek after good spiritual food, like fertilizer, in the teaching we take in. And the third phase is the fruit phase. The plant that is well nourished and has good light will produce tomatoes for those around it to enjoy. This is the hope through the process of growing vegetables — good fruit! We can have joy about this phase throughout the whole process, because we hope. Spiritually, our joy is set on our future in heaven with God and our future here on earth in the adventure with His Spirit inside us. What divine appointments will God bring into my life today? How will he use the fruit he is producing in my to bless those around me and further his kingdom?
Lord, thank you for your process of teaching me the importance of prayer, patience, and the joy in our hope! May I live it our today as I see you work right in front of me.