February 16, 2023

Giving and Sharing Leads to Seeing God Work and Bless Us - Romans‬ ‭12:13‬

Daily Devotionals

Giving and Sharing Leads to Seeing God Work and Bless Us - Romans‬ ‭12:13‬

Joe Anderson
February 16, 2023

Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

In looking back over the last 49 years, I have been blessed by many who have shared with me and practiced hospitality. In the rough times, when I was in need, this meant the world to me. My Uncle John and Aunt Sandi are famous for this and welcomed all kinds of family members to stay with them and have always been extremely generous with their resources. My parents, for over a year, opened up their home to over 100 Cambodian refugees each week to host a Bible study. My sister Kathy and brother-in-law Paul welcomed me after high school, coming out of a very tough situation. They welcomed me into their church and into their home. There were people in their church who also had me live with them. I had my brother Eric and my cousin Darren welcome me to live with them when I was single, and my brother John helped me purchase a house when I was newly married, by selling it to me cheap and signing on the loan.

Following in their footsteps, my wife and I have sought to be generous with what we have been given. And we have had some very rewarding opportunities to bless others with our time, talent and treasures over the years. Giving to family may be easier, but giving to those we don’t know or who we don’t think deserve it is a bit harder to do. This is, however, also part of this command. We are to share and give and be hospitable. Why is this? It is because the sharer and giver gain a bigger blessing than they part with. This blessing comes from God in multiple ways, and also there will be heavenly blessings. So how do we improve at being a good sharer and giver to others and being more hospitable? We must let go of our hold on our time and talents and possessions. We must realize that God has blessed us with these things, in part, to share them with others. And we must allow ourselves to be a bit more spontaneous in how we give. Then there is the fun part of giving sacrificially … seeing how God will “out-give” us. In my experience he always does, though not always how we expect.

Lord, thank you for all of those who have modeled generosity and hospitality to me, by blessing me and others. May I make you proud by continuing this wonderful practice in bigger and more consistent ways!

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