April 13, 2023

An Obedient Servant - Luke‬ ‭1‬:‭38‬

Daily Devotionals

An Obedient Servant - Luke‬ ‭1‬:‭38‬

Joe Anderson
April 13, 2023

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.”
When I think of the simplicity and the weight of Mary’s response, it helps me to understand, in part, why God chose her. She had so much to lose: her marriage — if she was discovered to be pregnant outside of being married, her friends, her reputation, etc. Following God’s plan here was risky. But then she had so much to gain: being the mother of the Son of God. Life would be difficult and adventurous and rich! In the end, Mary responded to God out of a heart of love and devotion. And it was a love and a devotion she had learned from God. “I am the Lord’s servant. may it be as you have said”, she says. She is not a servant by force, but a volunteer servant, a bondservant. She was sold out in life — to following God, no matter the cost. And the cost for her would be heavy. Her son would sacrifice himself for those who rejected him. Crucifixion was an ugly death for a mother to see.

But she believed that whatever the heartache that was required of her, following God’s will for her life would be worth it in the end. What would you do in a situation like Mary was in? How would I respond?

Lord, this simple response of Mary is a model for us all. She simply said “I am yours, Lord, use me in your work however you desire.” May you help me to say the same thing today and this week.

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