After this, we started on our way up to Jerusalem. Some of the disciples from Caesarea accompanied us and brought us to the home of Mnason, where we were to stay. He was a man from Cyprus and one of the early disciples. When we arrived at Jerusalem, the brothers and sisters received us warmly. The next day Paul and the rest of us went to see James, and all the elders were present. Paul greeted them and reported in detail what God had done among the Gentiles through his ministry. When they heard this, they praised God.
Jews had long loathed Gentiles. Gentiles lived not according to the law of God, they were a law unto themselves. It is hard to live near people who can go through life without any rules, and then they seemingly thrive. Especially when you have to follow laws that may seem strict or harder to live by. These rules may mean you sacrifice popularity, wealth and/or friends. When Paul came back to Jerusalem, there were still many Jews there who loathed Gentiles. Likely some of these were in the church.
Today, I might compare this to some of the racial or religious prejudice we see from time to time. Prejudice is where ignorant people categorize others into groups to belittle them, in an effort to try and inflate their own importance. I must keep in mind that this was the culture in Jerusalem that Paul is walking into.
But something very different is found among the disciples of Jesus. Paul comes to report on his ministry among the Gentiles and how the Spirit of God moved in power to draw people to a saving grace in Jesus. And what do the Jewish leaders of the Christian church do? They rejoice. They praise God! They are blessed because the truth is winning, light is breaking through to the hearts where darkness once reigned.
It is clear throughout Paul’s letters in the Bible that he was humble in his reports and shared the joy with his brothers and sisters in Christ and gave God all the glory. This is a distinct required practice of followers of Jesus. To truly follow him I must be humble and meek of heart.
Unlike the world, I must share the credit and joy for our works with those up and down the pipeline who have prayed, financed, supported, encouraged, and gone before us in God’s work. We are all a massive, multigenerational team. Our Christian heritage is passed down over multiple levels in multiple ways, and many have helped in the work of God.
Lord, help me to see the team you have assembled around me and their gifts and abilities clearly. You used the Jerusalem church and its leaders to love on, disciple, and train Paul in the ways of Jesus Christ. They supported his ministry and backed him up where needed. And you have done the same for me in all you have called me to — so many Godly people are a part of your team! Thank you for your eyes to see clearly their contributions and help me to acknowledge them more and more.