The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone. Saul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing. So they led him by the hand into Damascus. For three days he was blind, and did not eat or drink anything.
In this detailed account: 1) Saul’s traveling companions heard the sound of Jesus speaking to Saul, but did not see anyone. 2) Saul got up from the ground but when he arose he could not see anything. 3) And so Saul fasted and prayed for three days.
“Jesus said, ‘For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.’”(John 9:39) It is not lost on me that both the people traveling with Saul and Saul himself were blinded in some ways. This is a fulfillment of Jesus’ truth statement earlier. Those who thought they were righteous by their works were really blinded to the truth.
And while blind, Saul spent 3 days fasting and praying. I can only guess this time was spent trying to see where he started to go down the wrong path — making the wrong priorities, and valuing the wrong things. I see Saul working through the foundations of his faith that were, up until this point, laid on false beliefs. “Where did I go wrong?” He likely asked. And I see him repenting to Jesus for his egregious sins against him and his people.
This is such an important part for all of us to do, when we decide to follow Christ .. and it is important to do everyday thereafter. We must repent of our sins. Not just say sorry or wish we hadn’t done them. We must turn away from our sins altogether and live life differently — a life lived in full surrender to Jesus. And this three day period of fasting and praying, I believe, was full of repentance. Why? Because the interaction with Ananias that comes next infers this work is already complete.
What do I need to repent of to my Lord and Savior? How has my heart gone astray today? What roadblocks have I put in the way of him using me for his purposes?
Saul had legalistic righteousness as a roadblock in the way of his relationship with Jesus. And it cost him dearly, until Jesus redeemed him with the blinding light.
Lord, I come before you and lay all that I think I have gained or accomplished in this life at your feet. Help me to not be enamored by the things of this world, or the evil people in power, at times. Instead, may I be fully devoted to your truth and your ways. Take the things that blind me in my heart and cast them away. All I want is to see your face!