Hi Truth Seekers and/or Christ Followers:
We have a couple of praises to announce: 1) we have a website integration pro who has volunteered to help us. 2) we have some new adult authors in the wings, ready to publish.
However, we are needing funding to continue to develop our website and provide this service. We desire this to be a multiple author platform. We also desire to mentor youth in prayer, scripture, and writing devotionals through local churches. This project will be called “Youth Group as an Author”. (Two of my children have been journaling with scripture many days a week to start this process in my family. It is effective.)
In order to move forward, we have the following needs:
1) We need to raise $5,000 to cover website development costs.
2) We need volunteers: editors to review new authors’ devotionals, volunteers to help with loading devotionals onto WordPress site, with images (not super difficult), sharp social media people to get this truth out into new hearts, and others.
3) We need revenue support through site sponsors. There are now sponsorship levels on the site. Please review and let us know if you or a business or friend you know would partner with us.
If God is putting it on your heart to support our non-profit ministry in these ways, or in any other ways, please let us know. It is all for His Kingdom and His Righteousness!!!
What an exciting endeavor! As you know, we are releasing our own book, that we felt called to write. Unfortunately, we are not in the position to help but will definitely give prayer support. We love that this is something that you can do as a family, and that your kids are excited about! Good job 👍🏻