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December 8, 2023
1 Peter 1:1 NKJV

Hope that is reduced to a level of wishes and dreams can be like soap bubbles that look beautiful to the eye, but disappear at the slightest touch. Author Unknown “Blessed be God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through […]

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December 5, 2023
Ephesians 2:19

Don’t allow denominational differences prevent you from connecting with other Christians at work. Our common commitment to the Savior provides an opportunity  to display Christian unity and love to other coworkers. From When God Shows Up At Work by Paul Curtas So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the […]

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November 23, 2023
Creation: God's Glory Psalm 19:1-2 ESV

“Design beliefs may be consistent with the Bible, but the are not based only on the Bible. Intelligent design is a conclusion based also on empirically detectable evidence, not only sacred  texts. The heavens declare the glory of God,     and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speec     and night to night […]

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November 22, 2023
Partaker of the Divine Nature 2 Peter1:3-4

Anyone who is a committed follower of Jesus Christ is more than simply an average human being. He has been empowered by the Holy Spirit and through Him has the potential for the supernatural. “His divine power has granted us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called […]

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November 20, 2023
Work: A Blessing Genesis 1:28

Don’t make the mistake of saying God placed a curse on man when he sinned, by making his work difficult. (Thorns and thistles, sweat on the brow). He gave man work to do as a blessing before Adam sinned. “And God blessed them. And God said to them; ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the […]

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November 17, 2023
Psalm 63:1ESV

In his book In Search Of The King, Than Bennet asks the question: "Have you experienced what it means to know true King (Jesus) so intimately that you are aware of His desire for you at every moment of every day?" We might follow the example of King David who prayed the following:....... O God, […]

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January 6, 2023
Evidence 1 Thessalonians 5:19-21

Some say that becoming a Christian, or even believing in God, requires “blind faith”. No doubt, faith is required in those decisions, but in his book Forensic Faith, J. Warner Wallace states.: “Christianity encourages rational exploration and reasonable examination. Believers are encouraged repeatedly to examine what they believe carefully so they can be fully convinced […]

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November 14, 2022

We all are influenced by the world around us. The allurement of the world, and our fleshly desires cry out for satisfaction. Jesus was no stranger to temptation, but He never sinned and stands ready to help in our moment of need. “For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to […]

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November 1, 2022
Things Unseen

Here’s an amazing quote from Conformed To His Image, by Kenneth Boa; “The more our joy is detached from the things of this world teaches us to love...

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TruthBursts exists to bring glory to God by delivering the Truth of His Word together with real life stories, analogies, and applications from his servants in “the trenches” of life, fighting the daily battles and experiencing the victories in Christ Jesus. Think B2B (business-to-business) on a spiritual level.

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