Our Archives

July 29, 2024
Jesus; the Only Way Matthew 16:24-26

                             Think About It      A large number of people who do not align themselves with Christianity agree that Jesus was a good man, a great moral teacher, that He worked miracles, and even agree that that if people wold live […]

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July 26, 2024
Husbands; Love Your Wife 1Peter3:7

                                            Think about It Husbands, we do well in loving our wives “as Christ loved the Church, and gave up Himself for her” (Ephesians 5:25) ,lest we find that our prayers to God are […]

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July 22, 2024
God's Ambassadors 2Corinthians 5:20

                                               Think About It In the book Going Public With Your Faith by Walt Larimore and William Carr Peal, it states; “…..we are not saying we have to be star players. We don’t […]

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July 19, 2024
Feeding Thousands Luke 6:46

                                Think About It As we read through the Bible, we see examples of God telling people to do things  that-humanly speaking-don’t make much sense; Like telling Abraham to pull up stakes and take his family and possessions to a […]

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July 15, 2024
Financial Panic Proverbs 16:18

                                             Think About It      Listen to what the financial “experts” are saying about wealth today. “The dollar is losing its value at an alarming rate. The national debt can never be repaid. […]

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July 12, 2024
Complete Forgiveness Psalm 34:22

      Think About It The Bible makes it clear. We are all guilty. Furthermore, deep down we know it. The problem with many is that they rationalize by saying they’re a “good person”, failing to recognize that God is Holy and demands perfection, which is only possible by trusting completely in Jesus’ payment […]

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July 9, 2024
Early Beginnings Proverbs 28:2

                                           Think About It There was a time in our nation’s history that a government official could make a statement like the following without being attacked and even removed from his position. This statement was […]

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July 8, 2024
Heavenly THrone Colossians 3:1-4

Think About It There is so much evil in today’s world and we’re bombarded daily from many sources about the dangers we face. It’s difficult to avoid allowing these things occupy our thoughts. However, if we are followers if Jesus, we are taught our mindset should rather be on heavenly things. “If then you have […]

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July 8, 2024
Statesmen Needed: Proverbs 28:2

Think About It There was a time in our nation’s history that a government official could make a statement like the following without being attacked and even removed from his position. This statement was made by a member of our Supreme Court in 1892.       “Our laws and institutions must necessarily be based […]

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TruthBursts exists to bring glory to God by delivering the Truth of His Word together with real life stories, analogies, and applications from his servants in “the trenches” of life, fighting the daily battles and experiencing the victories in Christ Jesus. Think B2B (business-to-business) on a spiritual level.

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