Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load. Nevertheless, the one who receives instruction in the word should share all good things with their instructor.
As we use equipment to produce products, it can wear down over time. It is important to test this equipment and make sure it is still operating well. One of my clients delivers some computerized products. As a part of their service to clients, they have developed a testing center, equipped with all of the different types of computers that operate their products. They use this to both test the finished products prior to final shipment, and also to take calls from clients when the computer equipment is not operating well, in order to diagnose the problem and recommend a solution. This is why their clients have a high level of trust in their products.
Here, Paul is encouraging the Galatians to test their actions, or the outward product of the condition of their heart. These actions must be in alignment and operating well with the whole piece of spiritual equipment, The Spirit of God. Our individual bodies, like components in a product, need to work in unity with the whole machine or system — the local church. And the local church, like one product used in a robust process to enable much production, needs to unite and work together with the Bride of Christ, the church universal.
It all starts with me individually and my close relationship to God, through Jesus Christ and in the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Then I will focus on myself first, and make sure I am carrying my load, without comparing myself to others and judging them. I will seek out true and mature teaching to further refine the effectiveness of my ministry, like a well-oiled machine.
Lord, you designed me for greatness in the specific work you call me to. My actions must reflect your love, grace, and mercy, as well as proclaim your truth and justice. Teach me more completely to crave this instruction and correction!
I see things a little differently. I don't think we are qualified to fully tests ourselves or our servics ti the Master. Only the Master knows the full importance of the pieces of the machines. We are servants. He that would gain his life must lose it. He that would be great must ne a servant. The world seeks greatness...not so among you. We must humble ourselves.
Thanks for sharing this perspective, Dale. You provide some interesting thoughts to consider here, and there is a lot of what you say that I agree with.