December 1, 2022

Hope Multiplied - Romans‬ ‭5:1-2‬

Daily Devotionals

Hope Multiplied - Romans‬ ‭5:1-2‬

Joe Anderson
December 1, 2022

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God.

Made Righteous — Justified. Pursued and given the opportunity to be faithful again — by faith in Jesus Christ. Access to a relationship with God, through Jesus’ death on the cross. God’s grace, like a tidal wave washes over us, overwhelms our walls and the barriers we have built from being hurt and hurting others, from being bitter and angry and lacking honesty or truth. These are all of the things we get to rejoice in, the great gifts from our Father in heaven that we can place our hope in. This is the hope we were always longing for. Our confidence, our identity, our bright future entering into heaven’s gates — these are all because of God’s grace and love for us. We simply must believe in faith. Does this sound too good to be true? Yeah, it does a little bit. Sometimes the best blessings do. The truth is God loves us so much he wants to shower us with all of the above blessings. And these are not just one-time blessings … NO! We are continually justified, his mercies are “new every morning” (Lamentations 3:22-23), his peace is always waiting for us to rest in it, and his grace is available for us every day.

Our hope is not one that is fleeting like the hope in the people of this world; beset with broken promises and marginalized commitments. No, we stand in the grace of a God in whom our HOPE MULTIPLES and expands the more we get to know him and the closer we draw to him. His faithfulness shows itself stronger and stronger over time!

Praise you, Father, for your amazing gifts and the way you made for me to believe in you again; and live life with you day-by-day, with all of its marvelous facets! It is a truly SPECTACULAR ADVENTURE riding shotgun with you!

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