September 2, 2024

A Decision John3:3

Daily Devotionals

A Decision John3:3

"Ski" Warren Milanowski
September 2, 2024

                                         Think About It

     It has been my desire since beginning to email and distribute these brief notes, that those who read them would not merely read them, but deeply consider the meaning for their life, especially as it pertains to where they will spend eternity. Jesus said the following words to a Jewish scholar and priest (Nichodemus).

“…..Truly, truly I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3 ESV

(To do so, one must make a sincere, heartfelt decision to repent of their sins, and commit their lives to following Jesus as Lord and Savior. Don’t make the mistake of thinking your being a “good person” is enough. The above statement is simple, but profound; It’s all about Jesus

Pensive thoughtful contemplating caucasian young man thinking about future, planning new startup looking upwards isolated in white background

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