“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” But he replied, “Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death.” Jesus answered, “I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me.”

When I think of my role as a father, it is a God-given position that takes a lot of patience. It also takes a lot of grace and forgiveness. Sometimes, I can even predict that one of my kids will do something down the road that will not be good for them, even if they swear to me they never will. How do I predict this? Because I have been in similar situations, been under the pressure to impress, seen what happens when certain actions are repeated over and over again. In short, I have made some of the same mistakes or seen others make them.

What is different about Jesus is striking: first of all, he was perfect, second, he was fully God while being fully man, and third, he could see into the future and into the hearts of those he interacted with.

In this example, he knew Peter’s heart. He understood his faith had not really been truly tested. He knew he had some unbridled passion and this passion would go from one extreme to another. He also knew that Peter would deny him three times and disassociate himself with him.

He knew all of this, and yet his heart towards Peter is not judging, not angry, not bitter. It was a heart of compassion and forgiveness. He pre-forgave him for his future denials and lack of loyalty. He prayed out of love for him that his faith would stand the test. And he called him to get back up after his fall from grace and to strengthen his brothers.

What an incredibly loving and gracious Lord and Savior the disciples had back then. And we have this same Savior today. His heart is full of love and compassion and forgiveness toward us! He pre-forgives us, like a good father does for his children when he can almost see their missteps in the future.

Lord, thank you for your pre-forgiveness! Your love for me is so undeserved and overwhelming! I receive it and thank you for it!