July 31, 2023

My Biggest “Missed It” Moment - ‭‭Luke‬ ‭9‬:‭43‬b-‭48‬

Daily Devotionals

My Biggest “Missed It” Moment - ‭‭Luke‬ ‭9‬:‭43‬b-‭48‬

Joe Anderson
July 31, 2023

While everyone was marveling at all that Jesus did, he said to his disciples, “Listen carefully to what I am about to tell you: The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men.” But they did not understand what this meant. It was hidden from them, so that they did not grasp it, and they were afraid to ask him about it. An argument started among the disciples as to which of them would be the greatest. Jesus, knowing their thoughts, took a little child and had him stand beside him. Then he said to them, “Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. For it is the one who is least among you all who is the greatest.”

What is one of your greatest “I really missed it” moments? I know for me, for many years, I clearly missed out on God’s purpose for me in the workplace. I thought my main purpose was just to work hard. It was one of my purposes, but not the only one. I was missing my main purpose — to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those I work with. To care so much about them that they feel highly valued, appreciated, supported and encouraged. I can theorize about how this blind spot developed in me (many point the finger towards upbringing, some deeply hurtful relationship, or a tough experience). You have your blind spots too. Reality is, the cause only matters if it helps us grow past it. Blame doesn’t really get us closer to God or make us more loving to others.

The truth is, I am a broken sinner in need of the grace of God to see and change my bad behaviors. He is all I need to conquer the demons of the past, present, and future. He will carry me when I can’t even move. He is my mighty Father and he shows up for me and watches over me.

Just as the disciples here didn’t get it in regards to what Jesus was telling them, so I sometimes miss God’s plan and purpose. And just like they focused on “I am the Greatest” contests, while Jesus was trying to teach them to be servants, so I focus on the wrong things at times too. BUT HE LOVES ME ANYWAYS! This is the wonderful thing about our blessed Savior — he never gives up on us!

Lord, thank you for your incredible faithfulness! Thank you for loving me even though I clearly missed your main purpose for me in life. You always have my back. Thank you, too, for changing my heart! May I grow in your ways and seek your truth more and more each day.

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