As he taught, Jesus said, “Watch out for the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. They devour widows’ houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. These men will be punished most severely.”
One of my good friends talks about tombstones and memorial services sometimes. He likes to point to the two dates there, saying these indicate our birth and death dates, however there is so much life lived in between, this is “the dash”. Then the question he asks is this: “What do you want people to say about your dash at your memorial service?”
As I was thinking about how this applies to my life with God, having people say nice things is always great. I do like it and want it at my memorial service. But even more important than that … is what God will say about my life on judgement day! For he sees not only public actions, but my private ones too. He understands my motives and sees into my heart.
Jesus here seems to give a brief accounting of the lives of these Jewish leaders. He doesn't give a comprehensive accounting, but an example of what they have accomplished. 1) They devour widows’ homes, 2) They have flashy clothes, 3) They like to be important, and 4) When they pray, it is for show, they are not praying sincerely. They will face a pretty rude awakening on the judgement day! Jesus was the Son of God, equal to God the Father, and one with him. So he knew their motives and heart too.
So I guess along with what people will say about my “dash” in my memorial service, of much greater importance is impressing God with my humble heart and obedience to his Word and his call on my life.
Lord, I know I am a big work in progress. Please help me to seek after you and serve you well. May I understand that you care more about my closeness to you than what I do. You care about the manner in which I conduct myself along with the good works I do. And you loved me before I was born and still love me unconditionally. Expand the size of my heart today to mirror your love for others, I pray.