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Who/What are We Serving: Matthew 6:24

We all need money to pay our bills: buy groceries, pay our rent or house payment, medical care, entertainment and much more. However, we mustn’t allow our pursuit of money to cause us to lose even more important things money cannot buy: Peace, contentment, meaningful relationships and most of all, our eternal security. “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise...

An Eclipse Romans 6:23 ESV

    On April 7th of this year, hundreds of people spent thousands of dollars traveling to cities where the eclipse of the sun was to occur. ((assuming clear skies would cooperate) God has promised far more wonderful sights and experiences for all those who choose to believe in Jesus and trust Him for the details of their lived……and gives them to us free of charge. “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift” (My emphasis)of...
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