Set your hearts on things above.
Set your hearts on things above.
Where are you in the story of God’s faithfulness?
Think About It More wisdom from the 23rd Psalm; Consider; “Does my life have room for the kind of rest that restores my soul?” Answer: “He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside quiet waters.” Psalm 23:2 NASB______________________________________________-
The father of lies is always working an angle.
God has great things planned for you!
A good question raised in a sermon on the 23rd Psalm given at Summit Church in Boise: “Do I trust that God will provide for my needs and am I content with what God has provided? Answer: “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. Psalm 23:1 NASB
God can give me a clear mind in the most challenging situation.
Many of today’s “leaders” were educated in our nation’s institutions of higher learning; yet they are now striving to teach our children to “choose” their gender. They seemed to have forgotten basic biological truth which today is being corrupted. These people are the same ones who, a few years ago, were telling us “Check the […]
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul.