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A Stressful Life 1Peter 4:12-13

     Let’s face it, life has its trials. As hard a we may try to avoid it, trouble always lurks right around the corner. We must resist the tendency to fret, tryin to find a cause of it; It’s a by-product of living in a fallen world. Remember, nothing comes into our life apart from the knowledge of God. If, we’re His child, we can rest assured the situation will be used by God for our...

Retirement? Psalm 17:18

When is the appropriate time to “retire” from the work the Lord has called us to? On the one hand, we must consider that our “secular” career may very well be God’s calling and we should be doing that “secular” work as unto God and not man. We may wisely choose a time to “retire” from that career; but our work on behalf of God’s kingdom, in my opinion, ends on the date printed on our death...
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