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A Bright Future: 1John5:20

                            Think About It        Last month I celebrated my 81st birthday. When one reaches this point in life, I suppose many think (regrettably) of all the things not accomplished and how little time (and energy) is left to do the things that earlier had seemed so important. Not so for me. Because of my decision many years ago to relinquish control...

Acquiring Wealth: Proverbs 23:4-5

Think About It Recent economic trends have no doubt frustrated many who are striving for financial independence. I’m not criticizing financial planning but I might suggest trusting God first for our provision has more merit, and better results. Do not toil to acquire wealth;    be discerning enough to desist.When your eyes light on it, it is gone,    for suddenly it sprouts wings,    flying like an eagle toward heaven.Proverbs 23:4-5_ESV______________________________________________
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