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True Hope Romans 15:13

                                                Think About It “True hope is dynamic and powerful because it considers the circumstances of life realistically and then confidently rests in the promises and character of God.” From Hope: Choosing Faith Instead of Fear, by Bill Crowder. “Now many the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing,...

Anxiety; Proverbs 12:25

                                            Think About It      In Matthew 6:25-38, Jesus uses the word anxious five times, stressing how we must avoid anxiety. God knows very well those things which cause us to be anxious. They are very real and we’re probably faced with some of them on a daily basis. However, Jesus was telling us not...

Ministry At Work; 1Corinthians 15:58

                                                   Think About It Os Hillman, founder and president of Market[lace Ministries , made what I consider a profound statement about  the Christian’s role in the marketplace; He said “There is a remnant of workplace believers throughout the world today whose birthright in the workplace is to reflect Christ in and through their...
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