How will the people of this world know we are Christians?
How will the people of this world know we are Christians?
Think About It Now in my 80’s, I am learning the challenges of life as a “senior citizen”. However, I can say honestly, I would not want to go back to an earlier age. I have learned much in many years, but am well aware there is still much to learn and […]
Will you trust God to follow through?
Now in my 80’s, I am learning the challenges of life as a “senior citizen”. However, I can say honestly, I would not want to go back to an earlier age. I have learned much in many years, but am well aware there is still much to learn and experience. I am greteful […]
We must allow God to be a shield around us.
We lead through service to Jesus first.
He wants us to take joy in our roles.
Let us look to mentor and unify with Godly people.
Think About It A large number of people who do not align themselves with Christianity agree that Jesus was a good man, a great moral teacher, that He worked miracles, and even agree that that if people wold live […]