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A Holy Gathering Matthew 18:19-20

One of the greatest benefits of being part of the family of God is the opportunity to be a part of a small group which meets weekly for Bible study and prayer. These gatherings provide a place where the pressures of life can be shared and lifted up to our Father in heaven, confidently expecting His perfect answer. “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it...

The Truth Isaiah 55:11

Too many of us think it’s our job to convince people of what is true according to God’s word. Actually, God’s word (the TRUTH) is powerful enough to reveal itself. Our job isn’t to convince, it’s merely too speak – confidently, calmly and lovingly –  trust the Holy Spirit. Jesus left behind Him only a dozen men to spread His word and look what happened. so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;     it...
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