We are free in Christ Jesus to live a life of love by the power of God’s Spirit.
We are free in Christ Jesus to live a life of love by the power of God’s Spirit.
We work as unto the Lord, not men.
Think About It “Integrity is a correlation between my Bible, my belief, and my behavior.” From A Man’s Guide To Work, by Patrick Morley Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. He who says’I know Him’, and does not keep His commandment ,is a liar, and the truth […]
It all starts with me individually and my close relationship to God.
Blessings come to those who serve God and others first!
He does not forget his promises.
We must be careful in our quest for more money, success in business, or social position. In these areas it’s easy to “fudge” a little on our taxes, our resume, or pursue social relationships for the purpose of knowing the “right people” All of these, directly or indirectly indicate a lust for riches, fame or […]
It is a combination of boldness and meekness, of courage and grace.
Okay friends, listen up. We’ve all heard it, even said it: “I can do this.” It sounds so positive, self confident. And sometimes we can; but more often than not, we don’t have a clue. In reality, we hope we can. It’s like us guys trying to find our way driving somewhere while being told; […]