January 24, 2023

Proclaiming the Truth to the Listeners - Romans‬ ‭10:14‬b

Daily Devotionals

Proclaiming the Truth to the Listeners - Romans‬ ‭10:14‬b

Joe Anderson
January 24, 2023

And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
The condition of our ears is an important thing. When we have ears to hear others, we learn things. When our ears only listen to respond with a defense or out of comparison we stay in a proud and unlearned state in life. Hearing involves a desire to listen. Active listening includes questions and follow up questions. So, as a condition of faith in God, a person must be ready to learn something new and able to listen intently to receive it. And finally, we get to the preacher of good news. If the good news is not proclaimed, then no one will hear it. So for those of us who know Jesus and actively live life under his guidance, we must boldly proclaim the truth about him. It is not enough just to live a “clean” life. We must proclaim the reason we can live free from the bondage of sin and with a passion and purpose to our lives. People must hear the truth.

Lord, thank you for this reverse-engineered process by Paul. At the beginning of heart change in the lives of those around me is a proclamation of the truth. May I be your mouthpiece today, I pray. May others see the truth and truly live!

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