Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying: “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.” The child’s father and mother marveled at what was said about him.

Every once and a while, we hear about a meteorite that passes close to earth. These large rocks can definitely change things for those living by where they land. They are very dense and can cause a lot of damage. The path under which they come to rest can include houses, people, animals, etc. Life can become significantly altered. This “foreign-to-earth” object can make a significant impact.

Here we find Simeon rejoicing in the Lord, as he held baby Jesus. And why not? This small baby would grow, he would take strength in God’s Spirit, and he would monumentally change the course of life on planet earth, for those who believed. Jesus (just like a meteorite but in a good way) came to earth to change how we approach God and to save us!

Simeon must have prayed with an earnest heart for years … for the hearts of his people to turn to God. We know he had a heart after God because God’s Spirit was on him. And we know this by inference, because God promised to show him his Salvation through Jesus the Messiah! Along with Salvation, Simeon prophesied that Jesus will bring to us a light for revelation. This is the light of his Spirit that is placed in the hearts of all believers. His Spirit reveals truth to his people. And he reveals God’s heart and passion for the lost, along with so much more. When we operate under the control of God’s Spirit, we become light reflectors of God’s glory. Glory is the weightiness, importance, and massive foundational truth of God in life.

And so, Simeon started out Jesus’ birth with this song of joy, and we can continue it throughout our lifetime. It is The Joy-song of the Redeemed!

Lord, fill me with the joy of your glory through your Spirit today. May my voice be lifted up to you in thanksgiving and my voice proclaim your praises. You always deliver on your promises. You have my best in mind and plan for it. Praise to you. May I be a vessel of joy that reflects your light and truth!