Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”‬‬

I have been to some great concerts in my day. I sang in an all–a cappella choir in college and we sang classical music with eight-part harmonies. There were over 100 people in our choir and the chords were pretty amazing. I once observed one concert where there were two women’s choirs who echoed each other. I still, to this day, think it was probably the closest thing I can imagine to angels singing. And when you sing with the acoustics of a great concert hall, the sound reverberates in the place, and it is such a wonderful experience. Our concert hall had a 5 second reverberation in it, after everyone stopped singing. Now whatever music you or I have experienced, we can probably multiply that by one hundred or one thousand and this would be what this concert of the angels on high would have sounded like. First, the acoustics would have been amazing because they were literally singing down onto their listeners.

A company of soldiers is typically 100 to 250. So, a great company would have probably been at between 200 and 250 angels here. The angels are powerful beings, easily able to overpower multiple men. Remember that the Romans guarded Jesus’ tomb with likely 16 soldiers. When two angels came, they overwhelmed them to such a degree that the whole Roman guard was frozen in shock. In the Old Testament, the angel of death (one) came and killed all the firstborn of the Egyptians in the night; allowing the Israelites to escape their slavery. No one person or group could stand against him. So, these angels were very powerful and likely had massive lungs and diaphragms to sing with. So, we have a company of 250 or so angels singing with all their might, each one probably with the power of at least 10 men, in a concert from the sky projected down on the shepherds. My guess is they lit up the sky in their brilliance and their voices were amazingly wonderful, glorious, and powerful all at the same time. Some might say God was “showing off” here, but I like to think this is how they celebrate birthday parties in heaven. WOW!

And they sang simply “Glory (a high magnitude of weightiness or importance) to God and peace to men on whom his favor rests.”

So today, when my Christian life may seem like it is not as exciting sometimes, I must remember who I serve. And if the angels, who have that kind of power, worshipped God and Jesus in such an amazing fashion, maybe I should too. Think about this: they worshipped him as he was being born. Somehow they knew who he was and what he would do before he did it. There was no question of his follow-through on his word in their minds. Jesus’ commitment to save us could be counted on as more secure than money in the world’s safest bank.

So today, who will I choose to worship? Who will I give weight to in my life?
Lord, I choose to worship you and serve you alone. You guide my steps and light my paths. Thank you. I praise you and highly exalt you as King of Kings and Lord of All!