December 4, 2022

Timing the Perfect Rescue Mission - Romans‬ ‭5:6-8‬

Daily Devotionals

Timing the Perfect Rescue Mission - Romans‬ ‭5:6-8‬

Joe Anderson
December 4, 2022

You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Timing. Bottomed Out. Ultimate Sacrifice. Unparalleled Love.
I think about the above concepts and realize that all of them were important in this story. I tried and tried to think of an analogy for this type of love, this ultimate sacrifice today and I could not. I am convinced that no one on earth could ever compare to what God through Jesus did for us.

I think about the timing, a rescue is all about the timing. The person being rescued must understand their utter need for a Savior. The Jews had waited to hear from God through a prophet for roughly 400 years, from the time of Nehemiah to Christ’s birth (433-5 B.C.). These are sometimes referred to as the “silent years”. The Jews had not heard from God in a long, long time. Maybe this was like a Father who has his son leave on a long trip after turning of age, to come back and realize his need for his Father’s help and the benefit of his advice. And God sent Jesus at just the right time to live, love, and sacrifice for the Jews first, and then the rest of us (the Gentiles). The Jews in many ways had “bottomed out”; their religion had become entangled with man-made rules and power plays. It was still God’s truth at its core, but the leaders were mostly evil and leading the people astray. In comes Jesus … a refreshing and new leader who was transparent and true, honorable and honest, kind and loving. He even cared for the outcasts of society. He challenged the elite on their hypocrisy. For those called to him, it was a refreshing change.

And so, we see, Jesus gave his perfect life in sacrifice for our sins. HE LOVED US THAT MUCH! His love flowed out of God’s great love for us. This love is given (and it is a gift that keeps on giving) was foreign to this world, the sacrifice was so great. And it was given into the hearts of those who choose Jesus as Lord and Savior. He transforms our minds and takes our hearts of stone and turns them into hearts of flesh. We can feel, hurt, and love with God’s power now. What he is passionate about will move us too. It is the greatest gift of all time!

Thank you Father God, praise your name Lord Jesus! You, at just the right time came to save the Jews and then to save the world. And you continue to save the worst of sinners, such as me.

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