January 20, 2023

What or Who Should I Put My Trust In? - Romans‬ ‭10:4‬

Daily Devotionals

What or Who Should I Put My Trust In? - Romans‬ ‭10:4‬

Joe Anderson
January 20, 2023

Christ is the culmination of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.

--Parallel verses:
John‬ ‭1:1-5‬
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

I have found I really enjoy the science of sales. In my position, as a commercial insurance producer, bringing in new business is a significant part of my job. 90% of my competition likes to focus on price or product. The problem is … we do not sell a tangible product. At best, the client gets a promise to pay for claims down the road, inside a contract with conditions. That is all they get when they buy insurance today. Unlike the cell phone you are reading this on, they cannot take this promise and test it out today and see if it works. Still many of those who sell in this industry treat insurance as a commodity that you can touch and feel. I have found success with a different approach — I build a relationship of trust. I learn about my clients and their business needs. What problems/challenges have they had in the past? Then I share with them the process we go through to continually assess risk and help them find the best value as they purchase insurance. I have learned that with promises, in order for people to believe them, they must trust you.

In the same way, spiritually we all have a lot of choices when it comes to our faith. There are Agnostics, Satanists, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, New Age practitioners, and others. People also jump onto life-causes as what fuels their belief system in life. Some focus on Mother Earth and the worship of creation, others on wealth accumulation, others on power, position, or strength and health. At the end of the day, many conclude that all paths lead to God or all religions do. This is not true or trustworthy. Why? Because true fulfillment and joy in life does not come by following a set of rules. It does not come by focusing on the product or price or features for today. No! It comes through a trust relationship, just like when I win clients. It comes through a person who has made promises who actually has the authority and power to keep them. That person’s name is Jesus Christ. And this is what most of the Jews back in Jesus’ time didn’t not want to understand. And it is the same today. The reality is, I must choose who to believe in. And decide: Does the body of work of this person or thing demonstrate they are trustworthy? Take for example, worshipping Mother Earth or Buddha or Mohammad … how do they compare in the “promise-delivery business” to Jesus Christ? Were any of them around at the creation of the world? Did any of them descend from heaven and take the form of a poor human to save us by dying on a cross? And did any of them show the types of signs and wonders that Jesus did, in a historically documented way, with plenty of eye witnesses? Did they heal the blind, lame, and sick; did they feed the 5000 and then again the 4000 with a small amount of food designed for one person? Did they raise the dead? Did any of them rise up after being crucified and appear to over 500 followers?

Jesus did all of these things — he is the most trustworthy person in all of time. The parallel verses tell us that Jesus is referred to as The Word of God! When he spoke, he spoke as God. His Word has the same power that was displayed at the creation of the universe. This is why HE IS THE SOURCE and definition of life on this planet. The source of true life is a relationship, not a thing or a set of rules. And this new life in Jesus Christ makes us light up when we receive it and shine as a light to guide those around us. We become lights of life because Jesus shines through us! He is the true culmination of the law!

Lord, thank you for this passage and your heart for us. You love us and seek to have a personal relationship with us. Praise your name! May I trust your promise and learn to reflect your light in stronger, more concentrated ways, to the world around me.

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